Your dream of starting your own dance studio has finally come true but you never thought it would be this challenging! From you instructor quitting out of the blue to some demanding parents creating a scene—you would feel yourself going crazy trying to juggle everything. Rest assured you are not the only one; every dance studio owner has experienced this. Here are four effective ways that can assist you in staying empowered and having better control over your dance studio.

1. Keep On a Lookout for Exceptional Talent to Recruit

Whether you currently need a teacher or not, you must always be on constant watch for exceptional talent. This way you would know who to reach in case any of your current instructors leave you or if you urgently need to hire a new instructor. You can invite a guest instructor to teach a special one day or two-day class or to hold a workshop, invite a university or college dance instructor to speak to your students or teach some special moves.

This is a great way to build your network. Keeping such interactions can help you in a time of need. Even if these people can’t help you out, they are bound to recommend someone who can. You will have a group of guest instructors or substitute instructors on hand. Furthermore, you can even start training one or two of your exceptional students to lead a class, in case you are short on instructors.

2. Stay on Top of Your Marketing Efforts

Remember, marketing of your dance studio should be ongoing. The competition keeps growing and you need to make sure you are in control. Keep yourself updated with the latest trends and changes and modify your marketing strategies accordingly to stay ahead.

3. Distinguish Between Problem Parents and Parents with a Problem

Parents with problems are the ones who advocate for their children. They have a specific issue that they want your attention on and come to discuss it with you with an intention to resolve it immediately. These are the parents who can actually assist you in enhancing your dance studio as they bring genuine feedback, and concerns or problems to you. This is an opportunity for you to tackle that problem instantly before it grows out of hand.

On the other hand, problem parents are the ones with unrealistic expectations and unreasonable demands. These are the parents who will never be satisfied no matter how much efforts you put in. some even start spreading negativity among your staff and other parents.

It will take time and unfortunately some sleepless nights for you to learn to identify these two. You must have boundaries. If you find yourself compromising on professional standards, or bending rules to make a parent happy—you need to stop. It is highly possible a scenario ends with some drama courtesy of the problem parent. However, you need to ensure that the boundaries you have set are followed.

4. Accept All Businesses Have Ups and Downs

Finally, you must accept the fact that there will be ups and downs in your business just like any other business. You won’t be completely successful overnight. It requires time, effort and constant struggle. Once you completely understand that this is a major part of running your own business, you will start being better prepared for emergencies.


Running your own business is not easy. It can be super demanding, time consuming, emotional and intense experience, especially in the initial stage. Fortunately, there are ways you can be better prepared to tackle these issues without completely losing your mind. For more help, visit